Women are Berrypickers |
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do some things the way they do. |
We all know that men and women are different "different" doesn’t begin to cover the ground, we aren’t even the same species. In fact, we’re so different I’m surprised we can breed.
Why is that? The Genesis of an Idea One cold, windy afternoon I stood on a street corner thinking uncharitable thoughts about the differences between men and women as I waited for my wife to pick me up. She was, at that moment, 15 minutes late, despite having called from her office to say that she was on the way and would be right there. "Why," I thought, "do so many women have such a vague attachment to the concept of on time"? There are those who argue that that’s not the case, that women don’t have a problem with being on time.
Now I understand that generalizations do not cover every case. Certainly there are exceptions to the rule that women are tardy. I knew one back in, oh, I think it was 1970 or so, who was reliably on time most times, but as a general rule, well . . .
"So," I thought as I stood there waiting, "Why can't women be on time?" The answer leaped into my mind with that hard ring of truth, like a good wrench dropped on a cement floor, that occurs sometimes. The reason is that women are berrypickers, while men are hunters. Women are berrypickers. Berries are ripe in, say, August. August is a broad target. If you are going berry picking it doesn’t matter if you get there today, tomorrow, or the next day. On any given day a bunch of the berries will be ripe; they aren’t going anywhere, you can take your time. In their frequent tardiness, modern women are just products of the practices of their foremothers. They can’t help it; they were raised that way. Men are hunters though. We have no such slack in our pursuit. We’d better be on the game trail at dawn, for that is when the deer goes by. If we aren’t there the deer will not wait around, and we’ll be hungry and cold because we dallied a few minutes too long in camp, warming our ass at the fire in the chilly dawn. We can afford to be early, but we’d better not be late. See how clear it is? We have each been conditioned to our roles by thousands of generations of forebearers who acted certain ways, and we continue to respond to internal imperatives despite the fact that much has changed. As I pondered that thought over the next few days and months I wondered what other manifestations of behavior differences the "hunter vs berry picker" theory might explain.
Talking, for instance. I never knew a woman who didn’t talk more than any man I ever knew.
Why do they talk so, even when there’s nothing left to say? Well think about it. Women out on the berry patch have to keep talking: it keeps the bears and snakes away! Silence in the berry patch can lead to danger: don’t let up on the conversation or you might stumble up on a bear that didn’t hear you coming. And if by some chance you do come upon old mister bear, then you shut up and freeze, hoping he won’t notice you. On the other hand, men on the game trail want to come up on things that don’t hear them. And they must sit around together and be quiet or the ducks won’t come in to the blind. The ability to sit still and be quiet is a virtue among hunters, unless they are in a social situation. Even then a nonstop talker, one who can’t shut up, makes a lot of guys uneasy and annoyed. It’s because he’s being womanish, talking just to hear the sound, sorta confirming his own existence, I guess. Being described as a "silent type" is not pejorative among men, it’s more often associated with the phrase "he doesn’t talk unless he has something to say." Two men can sit together for hours, never exchanging a word, then leave, each thinking he had a good time. Men, try that with a woman and she will give you no rest trying to start a conversation. If you don’t respond she’ll think you must be mad, and if you are mad, well then, she’ll be mad too. The first thing you know, you’ve gotten in trouble just by sitting there trying to be quiet, which, when you think about it, is what your mother used to tell you to do sometimes. Go figure. It seemed I was on a sociological roll, so to speak. Things I’d always wondered about were becoming clear, so I began to apply the hypothesis to other behavior patterns. Colors, for instance. Color is so important to women that they have names for colors that men can’t even see. Now if I said "fuchsia" to a guy he’d either punch me immediately, or think I was leading in to telling him what I had for lunch at an Italian restaurant. If I said it to my wife though, she’d want to know if it was light or dark fuchsia. And "puce" is a word that wouldn't have passed my lips while John Wayne was still alive.
Patterns, Textures, and Smells
The bride and I were walking through a store one day, and as we passed through the women’s clothing (I didn’t need to say it wasn’t a gun store, did I?) she stopped to look at some sweaters. By that time I had become somewhat of an amateur anthropological observer, so I stood back to take mental notes.
Women Go Shopping; Men Go Buying
So, you’re in the store. She’s found the table or the rack, and there on it is the item she’s described to you. It meets every specification, out to the fourth decimal place. She picks it up, then tries it on, and it fits perfectly. If you are new to this game you view the action so far through the lens of your own male thought processes, and think "Hah! That was easy. She found what she was looking for, and now we can go." If you've been around a while though, you know what's coming.
What does she do then? She puts it back! She puts it back, and says she wants to look around a little more. She goes to two other tables and four other stores in the mall. She tries on three or four other things indistinguishable (to a guy) from the first. Then she drifts on back to the first place and buys the one she picked out two hours before. Why? Because she can! Berries don’t go anywhere. You can look at them, walk off and see if there are any better ones around, then come back with the reasonably certain knowledge that the first ones will still be there. Try that with a pheasant and see what you have for supper - you'll get cold shoulder, more'n likely.
Some Current Evidence Every now and then you stumble across an item that stands by itself as proof of a proposition; it reduces all other evidence to near-irrelevance. In February, 2001 I read an article in the business section of the paper that is just such a thing. Even when confronted with the convenience and ease of the modern on-line world, women will continue to manifest their berrypicking ways. ![]() There was an outfit called Home Grocer a couple years ago that would let you buy your groceries over the Internet. I tried 'em out a couple times when my wife was out of town, and here's what I found. You could let your fingers do the walking through their on-line store, filling up an electronic grocery cart as you went. Their website would let you pick out an item, say a box of Wheaties for instance, from the same range of items you'd find on a store shelf. You could read a little product blurb, look at a picture of it, and examine the nutrition facts label on the side of the box. In fact, you could do everything but handle it. They offered everything you'd find in a big supermarket, from T-bones to Tampax, and at prices at least as good as what you'd get at the store. Once you had your order made up on line you just pushed a button and you could schedule delivery during a two-hour window the next day, late into the evening, or several days hence, at your convenience. And, you could store a basic order on line, so that every time you went to get groceries you didn't have to reconstruct everything from scratch. The two times I used it, I did in 20 minutes what would have taken two hours portal to portal if I'd had to go to the store, and I did it without the aggravation of other shoppers and dumb clerks. The order was delivered on time in a nice, clean truck, in hard plastic boxes to protect it, by a polite young person who hauled each and every box into the kitchen and unloaded it for me. The packaged items were name brand, the fruit and vegetables were always fresh, and so was the meat. By the time it got to me, the stuff had only been handled twice at the warehouse, not half a dozen times by every passing shopper in the store. If something wasn't satisfactory, say the bananas weren't ripe enough, I just called a phone number and I got credit for those bananas on my next order, no questions asked. Or new bananas. Well, the company started to flounder financially and got bought out by a similar outfit called Web Van, which provided service as good as Home Grocer. Web Van went public with stock some time back, and I gave some thought to buying into it (but didn't.). After all, it's a real timesaver, neat and clean, and women, who do most of the grocery shopping in the world, are forever complaining about there's not enough hours in the day. You'd think it was a pretty good deal, bound to take off like a rocket. |
Well, not exactly. Web Van was trading at about $26 a share when it went public, but a year later (March of 2001) it was at 16 cents!!! a share. Anybody who has really studied this hunters & berrypickers thing coulda predicted it, right? And why is that? There's a hint in the third paragraph, where it says "In fact, you could do everything but handle it." Therein lies the weakness of the whole shebang: women gotta handle stuff before they pick it. They gotta pick it up and squeeze it, look at it, sniff it, put it back and pick up another one, walk away and come back. Shopping on a computer, they can't do that, so it's just not gonna work for 'em. They shoulda asked me first - it's all so clear. |
So, it seems clear to me that some of the fundamental behavioral differences between men and women, some of the things that drive us all crazy, have their origins in the traditional roles we have filled for millenia. If you are a hunter you have to act different than a berry picker, and she has to act different than you. That's just the way it is and we'd better get used to it. If anyone out there has arguments to offer, or further explanations for differences between hunters and berry pickers, let me know. |